Step 2:

Form the cake balls

Once your cake is completely chilled, take it out and cut off the edges of the cake that stick to the pan. This will make sure that there are no crunchy pieces in any of the cake pops later.

Then over a large bowl, crumble the cake into small bits, and add three table spoons of frosting and continue to blend the cake bits until the frosting is spread evenly through out.

Next, form the cake balls by scooping even amounts of the newly formed dough and roll them sofly in the palms of your hands. You might want to take a cookie scooper when you begin to form the cake balls, to make sure each pop is the same size. Place them on a lined cookie sheet and it should look like this:

Cake balls on cookie sheet

(image from this link at Flickr)

To form the pops, dip about two centimeters of one end of the stick into the melted icing and stick it half way into the first ball of cake, and continue for the rest. These need to dry completely to make sure the pops don't fall off their stick. Use this photo for reference:

Cake balls with sticks on cookie sheet

(image from this link at Wikimedia Commons)